It’s the little changes like this that can knock our confidence. You feel that everyone can notice that one odd hair so the first thing we all do is reach for the tweezers and before you know it you’re plucking away at it every day. As much as we don’t want to ever accept it, hairs at a certain age are completely natural – the joys of getting older! However, there is a cure!
Electrolysis has been used to treat excess hair for many years and is the only medically approved form of permanent hair removal. Electrolysis uses a fine needle which is inserted into the hair follicle where a diathermy current is applied to cauterise the blood supply and damage the hair follicle. Over time you’ll notice the hairs will get finer and eventually disappear. Treatments are usually every 2-4 weeks, all we ask is you ditch those tweezers for the best results.
Salon owner, Nicola, has been treating hairs with electrolysis for nearly 30 years. “I have seen great results using electrolysis but the best result is the change in a client’s confidence.”
Are you fed up of having irritated skin and stubble growing through only a couple of days after shaving? If so waxing is a convenient, quick, cost-effective and long-lasting hair removal method for different areas of the body such as; legs, arms, bikini, chest, back, face, eyebrows and underarms.
With waxing the hairs must be 1cm long and takes between 3-6 weeks before the hair grows back. When waxing you’ll never have to worry about irritated skin, cuts from shaving blades or unhealthy hair growth.
At Bodylines we only use the best in waxing systems, Pothe Hille Lavender wax, it’s a local English manufacture which is suitable for even the most sensitive of skins.
Pothe Hille lavender cream wax contains essential oils, realising a calming fragrance as well as promoting its soothing properties.
For more intimate areas and facial areas we use hot wax from the France manufacturer Cirepil by Perron Rigot. Cirepil is a natural product which respects the skin and is great for coarse shorter hair.
Gift Vouchers
Vouchers are valid for six months from the date of purchase. They are for a monetary value or a specific treatment.
Treatment Courses
Must be paid for in full on first treatment and must be completed within six months
Returns Policy
If you have an adverse reaction to a retail product we will fully refund you.
We reserve the right to charge a fee when cancellations are made less than 24 hours before the appointment.
A 50% deposit will be charged for treatments over £40
We take all complaints very seriously. If you have reason to complain we would appreciate you telling us as soon after your treatment as possible.