Medik8 Sunscreen Information

I found this interesting paragraph on the Medik8 website – Sunscreen

It is estimated that 80% of skin ageing is caused by the sun. Sadly, skin damage caused by the sun doesn’t only happen when it’s sunny. If it is light out, it means the sun’s rays can still reach you. Even on a cloudy day, you will still get approximately 50% of UV reaching your skin. Wearing high-strength sun protection every day is fundamental for a youthful complexion. With its importance in mind, Medik8 have a range of beautifully light but powerful sunscreens that protect and nourish the skin. Don’t worry, our high-tech Medik8 sunscreens do not feel sticky and greasy like those used at the beach. More likely, you’ll probably not even realise your sumptuous day cream contains sunscreen.


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